
UHA Middle School Tournament 2009/2010

Team pic:

Bottom from left to right: Fabio Taylor, Nick Patton, Clay Revelette, Chris Gilkey, Kaleb Hammon, Andrew Walls, Dylan Gray. Top row left to right: Terry Taylor, Noah Kennaday, Dominic Hephner, and Kegan Agnew.

History was made this weekend with the Tiger wrestlers in the middle school by placing first in the UHA tournament as a team. Caldwell Co. has never taken home a trophy at that level. Caldwell had 11 participates, but only 9 scores due to doubling up in the 103 and 230 weight class. With a possible 15 placers this is a good display of how well these guys did. Their was 172 entries and several teams came to the tournament with all 15 weight classes filled. Caldwell had two 1st place finishes (Keegan Agnew & Dominic Hephner), three 2nd place finishes (Chris Gilkey, Andrew Walls, & Clay Revelett), three 3rd place finishes (Kaleb Hammon, Nick Patton, & Fabio Taylor), two 4th place finishes (Dylan Gray & Noah Kennaday), and one 7th place finish (Terry Taylor).

Individual results:

70lbs.-Kaleb Hammon 2-1 (third place), lost to Scott Ruttman/Calloway. Beat; Chance Collins/UHA & Enrique Gonzalez/Rossview TN.

75lbs.-Nick Patton 2-1(third place) lost to Henry Crowdus/Barren County Middle School. Beat: David Pena/Barren County Middle School & Tanner Renerr Hopkinsville Middle School.

89lbs.-Dylan Gray 2-2 (fourth place) lost to Caleb Austin/Christian Co. & Zach Hamby/UHA. Beat: Frolian Agulto/Christian Co. & Myles Roach/Ohio.

96lbs.-Fabio Taylor 3-1 (third place) lost to Trae Blackwell/UHA. Beat: Malik Cunningham/Trigg (twice) & Javate Mahone/Christian Co.

103lbs.-Terry Taylor 2-2 (seventh place) lost to Ian Kahi/Trinity & Robert Samborski/Ironknights TN. Beat: Joey Williams/Rossview TN & Jasion Fasion/Trigg.

103lbs.-Chris Gilkey 3-1 (second place) lost to Ian Kahi/Trinity. Beat: Jasion Fasion/Trigg, Iyhonce Torain/Christian Co., & Coby Lancaster/UHA.

110lbs.-Andrew Walls 2-1 (second place) lost to Isaiah Frank/Calloway. Beat: Austin Napp/Calloway & Mason Stevens/Ironknight TN.

117lbs.-Clay Revelett 3-1 (second place) lost to Matt Fahey/Trigg. Beat: Justin Caffee/Barren Co., Omar Yunis/Rossview, & Jeremy Bosier/Barren Co. Middle

124lbs.-Kegan Agnew 3-0 (first place) Beat: Issac Lawson/Hopkinsville, Quandarius Poindexter/Christian Co., & Devanie Cunningham/Trigg.

230lbs.-Dominic Hephner 4-0 (first place) Beat: Kishon Wilson/Christian, Clay Church/Barren, Kendrick Travis/Rossview, & Zach Page/Trinity.

230lbs.-Noah Kennaday 3-2 (fourth place) Lost: Zach Page/Trinity & Tevin Toler/Christian. Beat: Tommy Koenig/Trigg (twice) & Tevin Toler/Christian

Team results:

1. Caldwell 189.50

2. Trigg 185.

3. Christian 163.50

4. Trinity 141.50

5. UHA 136.

6. Calloway 122

7. Bluegrass 102

8. Hopkins 93

9. Barren 86

10. Ohio 82

11. Rossview 76

12. Ironknight 63

1 comment:

Caldwell Co. Wrestling said...

Congrats to you guys and look forward to more great things in the future.